MicroMasters® Program Basics

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arrow_drop_down What is the MITx MicroMasters program credential in Supply Chain Management?

The MITx MicroMasters program credential in Supply Chain Management is a standalone certification program offered by MITx that is designed and administered by the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL) and supported by MIT Open.

The program credential consists of five intensive online courses covering all aspects of logistics and supply chain management along with a virtual proctored comprehensive final exam. It is a separate stand-alone professional certificate offered by MITx and delivered by edX. Read more or enroll on edX here.

It is important to note that the MicroMasters credential is NOT a degree-granting program nor is it a guarantee of admissions to MIT or any other graduate programs accepting the credential for credit. (see below).

arrow_drop_down What are the five online courses required for the MITx MicroMasters program credential in SCM?

There are five online courses required to complete the MITx MicroMasters program credential in SCM:

To be eligible for the MicroMasters program credential, you must earn a Verified Certificate in each course. Read more about verification here. Once you pass all five courses as a paid verified learner you will be invited to the CFx Comprehensive Final Exam (see below). Upon successful completion of the CFx you will earn the credential.

arrow_drop_down How are the courses delivered?

All of our MITx MicroMasters courses are delivered online-only. To provide for maximum flexibility in our learners' schedules, the video content of the courses is pre-recorded. This means that you will be able to view the released course content and work on available assignments at any time of day or day of the week—you do not have to log on at specific times to view the course content. To learn more about the benefits of this course structure, please consider this piece from The Curve - Ask MIT Experts: Understanding the Advantages of Asynchronous Learning.

In-course discussion forums are available for each course. The course TA team monitors these forums regularly in order to provide support for learners.

SC0x - Supply Chain Analytics, is delivered on a learner-paced schedule. This course contains the mathematical concepts used throughout all the other courses and is packaged in modules based on content. It is the reference course for all the others and so remains available as needed almost continually. Each run of SC0x will have a final exam at the end of the course. The course will close briefly after each scheduled final exam and learners can enroll in the next run of the course if needed. All course content, practice problems, exams, reading materials, and external links are delivered through the course platform on edX. In SC0x there is one final exam that will count for 90% of your grade and the five module tests make up the remaining 10%.

Courses SC1x - SC4x are delivered on a weekly, instructor-paced schedule. Every week at 15:00 UTC, beginning on the course start date, you receive course materials and instructions for that week. A full course syllabus, expected deadlines and course requirements are released in the first orientation week of each course called "Week 0".

All course instruction is pre-recorded. Any instructor interaction takes place within the course discussion forums or via the course email. Many of our courses feature "live events", when instructors and guests appear live on video for interactive sessions.

The exams (just final exam in course SC0x and both midterm and final exam in courses SC1x-SC4x) are released for 48 hours. Once you open an exam you have two and a half hours (150 minutes) to complete it. All deadlines within the course also occur at 15:00 UTC.

If you have never taken a course on edX you can try Demo_x.

arrow_drop_down What does the edX merger mean for this credential program

The edX platform is merging with 2U Inc. Our MIT course team that creates and delivers the content (the videos, problems, etc.) has not changed. All content will still come from MIT, remain at MIT standards, and be delivered by MIT course leads. Read the MIT News article here. To read more about the merger visit: https://www.transformingdigitaleducation.com/

Future Course Dates

Supply Chain Analytics (SC0x): starts Sep 04, 2024
Supply Chain Fundamentals (SC1x): starts Aug 28, 2024
Supply Chain Design (SC2x): starts Jan 08, 2025
Supply Chain Dynamics (SC3x): starts Sep 11, 2024
Supply Chain Technology and Systems (SC4x): starts Jan 08, 2025
Comprehensive Exam (CFx) Enrollment by Eligibility: starts Sep 20, 2024

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